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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Female correctional officer fights off assailant in knife attack

Kenosha News

KENOSHA, Wisc. — A Kenosha woman got the upper hand in a rage-fueled assault after she was reportedly stabbed in the mouth, grabbed the knife, bit down and broke the blade, a police report says.

Police said the victim, 43, saved her own life by relying on recent correctional officer training in which she learned how to fend off attackers.

Regenald O. Ward, 48, of Kenosha, was charged Monday with attempted murder for the weekend attack. If convicted, he faces 40 years in prison.

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Ward and the victim, his girlfriend of 21 years and the mother of his daughter, had recently fought and had some history of domestic violence, including arrests, a police report says. Both had recently considered separation, but decided to stay together in their home in the 2900 block of 63rd Street, relatives said. Read full article in Kenosha News.

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